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Create User

Please provide the requested information, then click Continue to submit it. To ensure the security of your identity, please provide information in as many fields as possible.
* Required fields - The "File Number" and "Last Name" must match the information in our system.
(Note - If you have received a letter from us, the file number will appear on your notice.)
** For security purposes, you must match the required fields with at least two additional field.
  (For best results, complete as many fields as possible!)

AUTHORIZED USERS ONLY! - It is unlawful to access this site with third party information. 
Do not attempt to log-in or access this site without consent from the responsible party!
If you are having difficulty logging in, please contact our office at 605-343-1311.
All obligations may NOT be present on this site. If you owe multiple creditors, you may combine
accounts on your "Dashboard" by clicking on the "Add an account to the list" link.
The current balance owing may include interest and/or fees.
This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
This communication is from a debt collection agency.